We Help Thought Leaders Become Bestselling Authors


About The Founder Of Peaceful Profits

Mike Shreeve has been helping entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, and businesses who serve others since 2007.

His list of consulting clients, students, and followers includes some of the biggest names in the coaching and marketing world.

His team has developed, launched, and managed promotions for everyone from startup coaches to New York Times Bestselling Authors and 8-figure digital course creators.

Since 2017, he’s helped over 1,000 students and clients develop their offers, market test their ideas, launch marketing funnels, and create systems to scale their businesses to 7+ figures and beyond.

Mike created Peaceful Profits to help businesses simplify their marketing, add predictability to their business, and scale their businesses to $100k/mo and beyond.


Get The Book:

The One Book Millions Method

The One Book Millions Method reveals how we use books to scale businesses to 7+ figures.

The first time we used this method, we were able to turn a 68-page book into a 7-figure business.

Since then, my team and I have helped 100s of our students scale their business, reduce marketing complexity, and predictability get more clients and customers using a book.

Inside, I'll share how we come up with book ideas, write books quickly, and the marketing method we use to sell 100+ copies per day at net zero in marketing costs.

I'll also share how we turn book readers who don't know us before they buy our books into premium clients in under 7 days using a no-pressure sales process (the book does the selling, so prospects show up "sold").

The book also includes self-assessments, exercises, example downloads, and many examples of how you can use a book to get more customers and clients at scale.

It was developed to help you decide: "Is a book right for my business?"

And, if a book is right for your business, The One Book Millions Method can become your step-by-step guide for using a book to get more customers and clients.

My team has tested and proven the method and strategies youā€™re about to learn with over 40+ books (and counting).

Iā€™ve never revealed many of the methods I or my team have used anywhere else. Youā€™ll only find them in this book, The One Book Millions Method.

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