Meet Some Of Our Authors


Sue Choi

When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body from Old Patterns

"At this point, I'm making a profit from selling my books, which is great because before, when I was doing Facebook ads, I was [just] spending money."

Book Results:

  • 1700 copies sold in the first few months
  • Making a profit from book sales alone
  • Quickly growing an email list of readers giving her fresh insights into who her audience is and what they want

Emmy Sobieski

MegaWealth: Escape the Broke Upper Class, Supercharge Your Luck, and Transform Yourself from Knowledge Worker to Industry Titan

“The process of sitting down and writing will give you these Frameworks that will pay dividends for years and years.”

Book Results:

  • Clearly defined frameworks make marketing, sales, and delivery easier
  • Drastically shortened the sales process
  • Clients sessions are more efficient because the books pre-educate them on the fundamentals

Mike Connolly


“There are questions that you can ask that really help you structure the thing… and then it's just a matter of kind of almost filling in the blanks.”

Book Results:

  • Organized his extensive knowledge into a structured and effective marketing asset
  • Positioned himself as a go-to expert with the book
  • Expanded his business opportunities and brought more clients into the business via the book

Mike Fink

Divorce Decision Decoded: The Revolutionary Process for Women to Make the Right Decision with Confidence

“Writing a book establishes credibility and authority better than social media.”

Book Results:

  • Established credibility and authority in his field, building trust with prospects better than social media
  • Transitioned from a costly and inefficient webinar model to a book funnel that attracts more qualified leads
  • Allowed for better management of advertising costs

Penelope Lane

Fit & Fabulous: The No-Nonsense Approach to Controlling How You Age

“I decided that it was a better use of time to spend my energy on creating the program and to hire a ghostwriter”

Book Results:

  • Achieved three sales of her premium program within a week of joining Peaceful Profits.
  • By hiring a ghostwriter, Penelope could focus on creating her program while still getting her book written
  • Gained clarity and confidence in her mission and the value of her offerings

Kate Duffy

Dear Family: Why Your Loved One Won’t Accept Help and How to Help Them Anyway

“The format we got from Peaceful Profits is what people are raving about...the feedback I keep getting is it’s so well laid out”

Book Results:

  • Sold several hundred copies before full promotion even began
  • Cover design caught the attention of treatment centers for possible partnerships
  • Educates and “pre-sells” prospects into becoming clients with little to no effort from Kate’s team

Maria Secoy


“It’s wonderful because it’s bringing that consistency [of new clients]. I haven’t had to do all the things I would normally have to go out and do to make that happen.”

Book Results:

  • Non-fiction book became the number one new release in its category
  • Wrote the book AND built the funnel within 90 days using our frameworks
  • Consistently signs high-ticket clients who find her through the book

Dr. Bonnie Juul


“The focus on creating real value for readers is what sets this program apart.”

Book Results:

  • Transitioned from a brick-and-mortar practice to an online platform
  • Implemented a rigorous screening process for clients
  • Used our systems to write her 4th book faster than her previous 3

Jeff Sauer


“It made coming up with the framework so much easier… We’re actually using that [process] in our other business as well.”

Book Results:

  • Built a new business from the ground up using our processes
  • Drafted a book quickly using our drafting systems
  • Accelerated their sales process & onboarded new customers without lag time

Dan Edelstein


“I’ve sold £40,000 worth of high-ticket offers in the last month, and now I can sell a low-ticket backend membership all day long if I want to.”

Book Results:

  • Achieved ÂŁ40,000 in sales off the book from high-ticket offers within a month
  • Shifted into a stable business model that fits the life he wants
  • Increased his reach & impacted more lives with a book


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