Book Ideas For Online Course Creators

Thinking About Writing a Book to Add More Students to Your Course, But Not Sure What to Write About? 

27 Book Ideas for Online Course Creators 

We Use Short Books to Get More Students into Our Online Courses. Here Are Some Ideas for Books You Can Write to Do The Same.


Here’s how most people are currently selling their online courses:

  • Webinars
  • Freebies/Lead Magnets
  • VSLs
  • Ultra Long Sales Pages
  • 247-Step Funnels
  • Facebook Groups (where your post might reach 10 or 20 people if you’re lucky)

These can work pretty well if your course is priced between $47 - $97.

But when you’re selling a course for $497, $997, or even $2,000+?

It takes a long time, a lot of money, great sales skills, and a ton of nurture content (read: 3-6 months of consistent content at least, usually more) to get people to know, like, and trust you enough to get them to spend the big bucks with you.

Here’s How to Get an Audience to Know, Like, and Trust You Faster…

Just do this instead:

  1. Write a short book that delivers a ton of value and showcases your expertise;
  2. Get that book into the hands of your ideal student;
  3. Sell it for $5 (this can help offset ad costs so you can run paid traffic at NET ZERO in ad spend, show you how in a minute);
  4. Sprinkle a few invites throughout the book that are as simple as “Hey, do you like what you’re reading about here? I can help you do all of this, just book a call with me to discuss”;


You can run ads to your book at NET ZERO in ad spend.

People who don’t know you buy your book. 

Your book introduces them to all the ways you can help them. 

Readers turn into students. 

It’s consistent. It’s predictable. It’s peaceful. 

It’s also what we’ve been doing for the past 10 years to build 7-figure agencies, coaching, consulting, and course businesses!

In Fact, In 2018 We Launched Another Book Funnel – A 68-Page Book Called
The 90-Day Writer.

It was written in a specific style that delivered value to our readers, introduced our offers and services, and answered objections about those offers. 

It took about 14 days to write, format, and publish. 

Then, we tossed it into a marketing funnel that sold 150+ copies per day at 1.75x ROAS (return on ad spend) BEFORE any sales of my coaching program. 

(Read: For every $1 we spent, we were making $1.75 back before back-end sales, making scale incredibly predictable).

From That Book, We Were Able To Add $300,000k/Mo. To Our Business At More Than 60% Profit Margin Within A Few Months.

A couple years later, we did the same thing.

On January 7th of 2021, We Launched a New Book. By The End of the Month, The Book Had Brought in $141,108.68 in Sales. 

22 days after launch, we’d spent $30,510.15 on running ads to the funnel, and made $99,087.30 in revenue (counting funnel sales + back end offer sales).

Just a couple days later (after a few quickie emails to book readers  saying “we’re looking for clients”), and by the end of the month, we’d spent $36,154.67 on running ads to the funnel, and made $141,108.68 in revenue (counting funnel sales + back end offer sales).

Screenshot from our payment processor, Stripe, after the first month of book sales + premium offer sales. Gross charges = sales processed the first month. 

All that to say:

For over 100 years, books have been one of the most consistent and predictable client-getting assets you can use to grow a business. 

And To Date, We Still Haven’t Found A Better Way To Grow Any Coaching, Consulting, Or Online Course Business Than A Short Book.

Want to Dive Deeper into How We Regularly Use Short Books to Sell Our Courses and Fill Our Coaching Programs?

Pick up a copy of The One Book Millions Method, and get an even more in-depth look at the exact strategy we use to turn books into 7-figure marketing assets for our business.

I Want The Book!

Wondering What Kind of Book to Write to Get More Students into Your Online Course? 

Do this: 

👉 Work backward from the big promise of your course.

I.e. think about the steps you’d need to go through to take someone from where they are before they’ve bought your course, to where they are after they’ve gone through it.

That pathway is the same pathway you share in the book.

You’re not sharing plain old information – anyone can get that for free online…

Instead, you’re delivering a transformation in your book that guides people from:

The problem they have → The unique process you have for solving that problem → An action plan to help them implement that solution.

And if they want help to implement that solution? Or they just want to do it faster? Or they just want someone to guide them through it on a deeper level?

Then you simply direct them to your course.

That’s it.

That’s the same framework we’ve used (and re-used) over the past 10 years to turn $5 books into 7-figure businesses, both for ourselves and our clients.

A Book Is Also The Perfect Marketing Tool For Those Who Hate Selling, Sending Out Sleazy DMs, Or Endlessly Posting In Facebook Groups For Students.

Hate putting on a sleazy marketing persona to sell the course that you know can help people?

Great – you don’t have to. 

Just use a book to do all the selling for you.

The book delivers a ton of value to your readers.

It proves your expertise.

It proves you can help people (by actually helping people).

Then in a few places dotted throughout the book, it calls them to action to your course.

After building more than 37 of these funnels for ourselves and our clients in the past 2 years, we can say this with a very, very high degree of confidence:

There Is No Method We’ve Found That’s More Effective At Selling Courses, Coaching, Or Consulting Services Than A $5 Book.

And if you’re now thinking that you want to start using a short book to sell your course – but you’re not sure what book you could even write – we’d like to help.

Here are 27 ideas to help give you inspiration for your next book, whether you’re in the health, wealth, or self-development space:

Book Ideas for Health and Wellness

1. How to Sculpt Your Body In 8 Weeks With One 15-Minute Pilates Session Per Day

Compelling Book Idea #1: The Grand Promise

A grand promise that’s outside the industry norm can be incredibly effective at catching attention. There's a catch with the Grand Promise though: The Grand Promise must be one that can be delivered with realistic ease. If you promise someone that your framework can make them tens of millions, but it actually can’t, you’ll only have disappointed readers rather than raving fans and pre-sold students.

2. 4 Weeks to Your First Pull-Up 

3. The Perfect Golf Swing

4. Think Like a Winner: A Unique Approach to Sports Psychology For Rapidly Boosting Performance

5. The 5-Minute Diet: How to Eat Healthy Without All the Effort 

6. Happy and Healthy: A 5-Step Game Plan for Weight Loss That Lasts

7. CBT On The Couch: How to Learn Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques From The Comfort Of Your Home

8. The Dance Diet: How to Stay Fit Without Gyms, Impossible Workouts, or Restrictive Diets

Compelling Book Idea #2: The Uncommon Benefit

The focus on the unusual is what makes this book stand out. There have been a ton of books, resources, and videos released on keeping fit by eating healthy and going to the gym, but this one focuses on the uncommon benefit in a plain, simple, straightforward hook. If you’re struggling with this in your life, you’re gonna pick up that book.

9. Body & Mind: A 12-Week Plan For Mastering Your Thoughts By Mastering Your Breath

Book Ideas For Wealth, Marketing and Business:

10. How I Sold 867,192 Digital Courses

Compelling Book Idea #3: The Case Study

If you have any interest in launching your own online course, your mind is in full-on curiosity mode wanting to see what kind of magic moves are at play here to sell that many courses! If you can teach your framework through a case study, then this approach can make finding your hook relatively quick and easy. Just remember, the case study has to be good. It can’t be How I Made $2 Working 90 Hours A Week; It needs to be a case study of a very desirable outcome that your dream client wants, too.


11. The Million Dollar Sales Page 

12. Web Copy Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Turning Your Website Into a Lead Generation Machine

13. The First $10,000: How to Build a Profitable Real Estate Portfolio On a Budget 

14. This Description Sold $5M Worth of Products – Here’s How

15. How To Write A Damn Good Launch Sequence

Compelling Book Idea #4: The Simple How-To

Your book idea doesn’t need to be fancy. It needs to be powerful. Sometimes the simplest of promises – “How to do XYZ” – can be those that capture the attention of your readers the best. Just make sure that “XYZ” is a result your prospects really, really want.


16. The One-Page Business Plan

17. Don’t Launch…Yet: The 12-Step Checklist to Turning Your Product Idea Into Successful Startup

18. 80/20 Ecom: How to Boost Sales, Increase Profitability, And Drive Growth By Focusing On What Matters

19. How I Sold My Brain For $5,000,000: Turning Your Expertise Into a Profitable Consulting Business

Book Ideas For Self:

20. I Will Find 15 More Hours In Your Week: Effective Time Management For High Performers

21. 1 Book Per Week: The Ultimate Guide to Increasing Reading Speed Without Losing Comprehension

22. How to Stop Procrastinating & Get More Stuff Done

23. How to Raise Amazing Kids By Not Being a Parent

Compelling Book Idea #5: Go Against The Norm

By “norm,” we mean the assumed wisdom of the day; what everyone has agreed is the “normal way” of doing things. This is a great example of a book idea that does that. After all – isn’t being a parent the exact thing your kids expect you to be? Not according to this book!


24. Listen First: How to Develop Inspirational Leadership Skills By Listening More Than You Talk

25. Confidence On Command: The Introvert’s Guide to Developing Unstoppable Charisma

26. Do This, Get Promoted: A Revolutionary New Approach to Climbing The Corporate Ladder 

Compelling Book Idea #6: Start With the End In Mind

What’s the grand outcome that you hope your book achieves? Sometimes, it’s best to simply start there. Rather than simply helping the reader perform slightly better at work, the book above calls out the book readers who are actively targeting the grand prize: Promotion. In doing so, it’s likely to attract more serious readers who are determined to make this process work for them.


27. Meditation Mastery: The 30-Day Gameplan

Although the “idea” portion of creating your book may seem small, it shouldn’t be underestimated. A clear, compelling book idea is the 80/20 of writing a book that people want to read.

Put simply:

To sell loads of books and fill your courses with new students each month, you need a strong book idea. 

And once you master the skill of developing a strong book idea, the sky is the limit as to how many books you create and how many courses you can sell!

Now it’s your turn…

What’s Your Book Going to Be About?

Want to Take a Closer Look at How We're Able to Rapidly Come Up With Compelling Book Ideas ?

Chapter 9 of The One Book Millions Method is all about how to come up with an idea for a book, quickly build a framework around it, and ensure your book is able to capture the attention of potential students for your course. You can pick up a copy through the link below.

I Want The Book!


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Two Step

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