How Freelance Writers Can Use A Short Book To Get Clients

Ready to Stop The Client-Getting Hustle and Create Your Own Source of Steady, High-Quality Clients?

Here’s How to Use a Short Book to Get More (and Better) Freelancing Clients

Follow this 6-Step Plan for Using a Book to Get Clients…Without Job Boards, “Value Posting” Everywhere, or Relying On Networking. 

Think about the last time you had a day off.

Now think about the next time you’ll have a day off again.

Do those two things both seem super far away from you right now?

Here’s the reality with 90% of freelancing businesses:


Most Freelancers Simply Can’t Afford To Take A Day Off Without Losing a Couple of Clients.


So they rely on things like:

  • Job Boards
  • Facebook Groups
  • Networking (both online and in-person)
  • Sending out hundreds of cold emails or DMs
  • Spending their life on LinkedIn “value posting”, adding connections, and trying to connect with potential clients without coming across as sleazy


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