How Freelance Writers Can Use A Short Book To Get Clients

Ready to Stop The Client-Getting Hustle and Create Your Own Source of Steady, High-Quality Clients?

Here’s How to Use a Short Book to Get More (and Better) Freelancing Clients

Follow this 6-Step Plan for Using a Book to Get Clients…Without Job Boards, “Value Posting” Everywhere, or Relying On Networking. 

Think about the last time you had a day off.

Now think about the next time you’ll have a day off again.

Do those two things both seem super far away from you right now?

Here’s the reality with 90% of freelancing businesses:


Most Freelancers Simply Can’t Afford To Take A Day Off Without Losing a Couple of Clients.


So they rely on things like:

  • Job Boards
  • Facebook Groups
  • Networking (both online and in-person)
  • Sending out hundreds of cold emails or DMs
  • Spending their life on LinkedIn “value posting”, adding connections, and trying to connect with potential clients without coming across as sleazy


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Book Ideas For Online Course Creators

Thinking About Writing a Book to Add More Students to Your Course, But Not Sure What to Write About? 

27 Book Ideas for Online Course Creators 

We Use Short Books to Get More Students into Our Online Courses. Here Are Some Ideas for Books You Can Write to Do The Same.


Here’s how most people are currently selling their online courses:

  • Webinars
  • Freebies/Lead Magnets
  • VSLs
  • Ultra Long Sales Pages
  • 247-Step Funnels
  • Facebook Groups (where your post might reach 10 or 20 people if you’re lucky)

These can work pretty well if your course is priced between $47 - $97.

But when you’re selling a course for $497, $997, or even $2,000+?

It takes a long time, a lot of money, great sales skills, and a ton of nurture content (read: 3-6 months of consistent content at least, usually more) to get people to know, like, and trust you enough to get them to spend the big bucks with you.

Here’s How to Get an Audience to Know, Like, and Trust You Faster…

Just do...

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How Freelancers Can Get Off Upwork, Raise Their Rates, and Run Ads For Their Services

Want to Get Clients Without Upwork, Fiverr, or Job Post Boards So You Can Start Growing Your Freelance Business? Write a Book.

Here’s How…

Are you one of the millions of workers (and counting) who’ve turned to freelancing in the past few years?

You may have pursued freelancing in search of a higher income, more flexibility, or better working conditions.

Maybe you’re even loving many aspects of the freelance lifestyle. But…

Now you’re looking for alternatives to Upwork, Fiverr, and job boards…

…because, if you’re relying on sites like Upwork to get gigs, chances are you’ve faced some frustrating realities of this particular approach to freelancing. 

Things like…

  • Clients who ask you to do unpaid “test projects” as part of their “interview process.” (You can control the types of clients finding you so this stops happening. We’ll show you how below.)
  • The “race to the...
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How To Get More Students For Online Courses

If you don’t want to hustle to find new students for your online course every month, check this out:

We Stopped Using VSLs and Lead Magnets to Sell Our High-Ticket Course – Then Made $141,108.68 in 22 Days. 

Your Audience Is Sick Of Freebies That Don’t Work and Sales Pitches Disguised as “Webinars.” Here’s What Actually Works to Sell An Online Course.


Quick question: How are you selling your course right now?

If you’re like most people, you might be doing it the “Hard Way”, i.e:

  1. Set up an opt-in page
  2. Run ads to the page to get people to sign up to the webinar
  3. At the end of the webinar, pitch your course
  4. Maybe you do the “social media hustle” to get clients

OR, if you’re tired of webinars (like the majority of your audience is these days), you might prefer the “Product Launch” method:

  1. Set up an opt-in offering a freebie/lead magnet of some kind;
  2. Nurture prospects for weeks
  3. Write a...
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Two Step

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